Sunday, March 22, 2015

Brave New World- Prewrite

-Bernard Marx is the troubled character
-he is struggling
-he doesn't fit in physically
-he has completely different beliefs than everyone else in the society 
-he's insecure of his body type and it makes him insecure about the world around him
-he's constantly trying to fit into society
-he questions the way the world is being ran

-he works in hatchery and genetically engineering children -- this conforms him
-obviously he disagrees with society, but continues to do what he's supposed to anyways
-for example, he takes the drug "soma" and involves himself in "orgy-porgy". This is what conforms him
-he tries to shy away from society, but is conformed because he is struggling within himself

-the world that Bernard is in exalts people from being alone and thinking for themselves. 
-sometimes Bernard is alone and questions the society he's in. 
-he sees all these things that are wrong, but he never has the guts to go against the world and its beliefs. 
-since bernard questions so much, and not a lot of people in his society dare to even think, bernard is looked at differently. 

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